The Birthstone for June: Moonstone, Pearl and Alexandrite

What is the birthstone for June?

For those who celebrate a June birthday, you are lucky to have not one but three gemstones to mark your special month. The birthstones for June are Pearl, Alexandrite and Moonstone.

Read on to discover the history, origins and special meanings of each of the beautiful gemstones for June:

photograph of moonstone gems on gold hoop earrings on a piece of blue fabric, a gold moonstone necklace can be see in the background

June birthstone: Pearl

 “A woman needs ropes and ropes of pearls” - Coco Channel. Pearls have been a popular piece throughout the centuries but what do you know about the origins of Pearls? 

Pearls: How Do Pearls Form?

Pearls are treasures which thrive in clear and crisp waters across the globe. Freshwater Pearls form inside mussels and oysters in lakes, rivers and fresh water.

Many cultured pearl farms can be found in countries such as Japan, China and the Philippines. Although, freshwater Pearls are also able to be cultivated in colder climates such as Scotland.

Pearls are formed inside the soft tissue of a living mollusc such as a mussel or an oyster. Nature produces the most expensive and valuable pearls.

These are very rare and are called natural pearls. Cultured pearls are those which are man-made in pearl farms and cultivated through various process and sold in the marketplace. So, what is the difference between natural and cultured pearls?

an ivory pearl attached to a heavy gold chain lies against a rock, the chain hanging over the back of the rock, on a beach

Natural vs Cultured Pearls: 

There are two different kinds of pearls – natural and cultured pearls. Natural pearls form in the tissue of molluscs (mussels and oysters) and occur naturally with no human intervention.

Cultured pearls are man-made pearls which are usually grown in pearl farms. This occurs when tissue from a mollusc and a tiny bead is inserted into a mollusc’s gonad. The tissue forms around the bead and creates a cultured pearl.

Types of cultured pearls: 

 Freshwater cultured pearls: these are sourced from freshwater lakes and ponds and feature in necklaces, earrings and bracelets.

 Tahitian Cultured Pearls: these are saltwater cultured pearls formed in Tahiti. These pearls are commonly black, brown and grey.

South Sea Cultured Pearls: these pearls can be sourced from Australia and Indonesia and are usually white or silver in colour.

Akoya Cultured Pearls: produced mainly in China and Japan, these pearls are commonly used in necklaces and earrings.

What Colour are Pearls? 

You may be surprised to know that pearls come in a variety of colours. The most common colours are white and cream. But silver, grey and black are also common for the birthstone for June. The stone can also be changed by slight pink, green, blue and purple overtones. Unusual colours of pearls are becoming increasingly popular.

image of a different sizes pearls on a string lying on a flat surface

Pearls - Special Meanings and Properties

Pearls are classic accessories which add elegance to any outfit. Pearls symbolise wealth and happiness. Pearls are also associated with innocence, calmness and purity. The birthstone for June is commonly given as a wedding gift to a loved one.

How To Clean Pearls: Top Tips:

Avoid steam cleaners, chemicals and water

-          Store in soft anti-tarnish pouch to keep your pearls shining

Pearl – Find Your Birthstone:

Looking for a classic birthday gift or wedding present? Check out our collection of ethically sourced and sustainable pearl jewellery.

woman wearing an ivory pearl bracelet with silver detailing

June’s birthstone: Moonstone

As well as the classic Pearl, those born in June are also lucky to have Moonstone as their birthstone. Moonstone is the beautiful sheen gemstone which is part of the feldspar family.

Its unique appearance comes from adularescence which occurs when light reflects on the stone. Read on to discover the fascinating history, origins and colour of this birthstone for June:

a photograph of a moonstone gemstone in a teardrop shape attached to a slim gold chain, the necklace is lying on a piece of blue fabric

 What Is Moonstone?

Moonstone is one of the three birthstones for June which belongs to the feldspar group. Moonstone is formed when two layers of its structure separate, allowing light to enter and adularescence to take place.

Aduralescence gives the moonstone its glowing, rainbow appearance which changes as you view the stone at different angles.

Moonstone - History, Origins and Meaning:

Moonstone has been admired across the globe for many centuries. In particular, Romans had a love affair with this gemstone and believed that the rays from the moon produced its adularescent effect.

The fashion for the birthstone for June became particularly popular during the Art Noveau period with many artists drawing inspiration from moonstone.

What Colour is Moonstone?

The birthstone for June comes in a rainbow of colours such as brown, green, blue, peach and white.

Moonstones which are transparent with a blue adularescence are the rarest and most expensive gemstones. One of the most mesmerising characteristics of moonstone is that it changes colour depending on the light. 

raw moonstone gemstone cut in a spherical shape, lying against a wooden surface


 Where Can You Find Moonstone?

Moonstone can be sourced in many locations across the globe. The birthstone for June can be found in the United States, India, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Tanzania and Myanmar.

Moonstone - Special Properties and Meaning:

Known as the Travellers Stone, Moonstone is believed to protect those who wear it. Traditionally, some believed that the June birthstone protected those who travelled at night, just as the moon appeared.

Moonstone is also known for its calming qualities. Many believe that moonstone helps to calm and soothe the wearer, bringing them happiness and self-confidence.

How to Clean Moonstone: Top Tips 

-          Use a soft polish cloth to look after your jewellery

-          Avoid steam cleaners, chemicals and water

-          Store in soft anti-tarnish pouch to keep your moonstone shining

Moonstone - Find Your Birthstone:

Are you charmed by the beauty of moonstone? Now that you know everything about this beautiful gemstone, check out our ethically sourced and sustainable moonstone jewellery.

June birthstone: Alexandrite

What is Alexandrite?

Alexandrite is one of the most interesting and unique gemstones. The colour of the June birthstone can change depending on its lighting. Alexandrite also has an interesting history and special properties. Read on to find out about why Alexandrite is one of the most fascinating gemstones:

image of raw alexandrite gemstone on a surface


Alexandrite - History, Origins and Meanings:

The first Alexandrite gemstones were found in Russia in 1830. Did you know that Alexandrite was named after Alexander II of Russia? This beautiful gemstone reflects the military colours of the imperial Russian flag: green and red.

What Colour is Alexandrite? 

Alexandrite is one of the most interesting gemstones when it comes to its colour. The gem appears to be an emerald during the day and a beautiful red ruby at night. The colour-changing gem is an intense green with blue overtones in daylight and a vibrant red with purple overtones in incandescent light.

raw alexandrite gemstones on a flat surface with their purple hues

Where is Alexandrite Sourced? 

Alexandrite was originally found in the Ural Mountains in Russia. Nowadays, the June birthstone can be found in Brazil, East Africa and Sri Lanka.

Alexandrite has become a rare stone as there are fewer mining locations which has significantly increased its value and price. Gems which are mined in Russia are blue/green and red and these are rarer than those mined in other countries across the globe.

Alexandrite - Special Properties and Meanings:

It’s not just the colour of Alexandrite that is mesmerising. Alexandrite is also known to have special properties and meanings. Many believe that the June birthstone can bring good luck and fortune to those who wear it. As a healing stone, Alexandrite is believed to bring confidence to the wearer.

How to Clean Alexandrite – Top Tips:

-          Use a soft polish cloth to look after your jewellery

-          Avoid steam cleaners, chemicals and water

-          Store in soft anti-tarnish pouch to keep your alexandrite shining

Alexandrite - Find Your Birthstone:

What is the Zodiac Sign for June? 

Those born in June are either a Gemini or Cancer. If you're born between May 21 - June 20, your Zodiac sign is Gemini. If you're born between June 21 - July 22, your Zodiac sign is Leo. 

Do you celebrate a June birthday? Discover our collection of June birthstone necklaces and earrings